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Woman's heDe letter A in de vorm van een hartjert health

Per August 23rd 2022, we want to offer all women aged 40 and older who are patients at our practice an annual "check-up" (If they do not yet have the annual "check-up" for another reason).
We offer this check to women, but also for men, from the age of 60, annually in the month of birth.

This new annual check-up is specifically aimed at women over the age of 40 who:
- and/or have a history of breast cancer;
- and/or a family history of cardiovascular disease;
- and/or have had a complicated pregnancy (such as high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia or miscarriage/miscarriages);
- and/or want to prepare for the upcoming menopause because being healhty helps to reduce menopausal symptoms.

We want to see how your health status is and know if there are risk factors present for cardiovascular disease.
A personal prevention plan will based on these factors.

If you would like learn more about your womans heDe letter A in de vorm van een hartjert, please contact the general practitioner via the online portal or by telephone (010 - 426 99 52).

If you are not a patient in our pratice we can also offer you the check-up, costs are 75,-

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General practice Bhogal-Statham 2023
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